Hear me out...
Raindrop protocol is awesome, but what if we had an actual standard?
I propose a very simple,elegant, and flexible solution for an on-chain metadata standard.
Our current standard has a uri field that points to an off-chain json with a standard structure.
What if we did the same, with an on-chain PDA?
If this PDA had a standard structure (think single vector where each element is an attribute and value pair) then it could be deserialized by anyone easily.
This also allows projects to freely control the PDAs contents and change NFT attributes on-chain through their own program.
Therefore, I propose adding a single field to the current metadata structure that points to this PDA.
Projects that do not care about this can leave the field blank and use the old standard, while those who want to update NFT attributes in a verifiable way on-chain can do so.
I pitched this at Breakpoint with some positive reception, would love to make it a reality.